This is a generous appeal to you all on monetary help as requisite for a very close friend of mine, Mr. Ashutosh Mishra, who is suffering from a very rare kind of Blood Cancer. Ashutosh was a classmate of mine during my undergraduate days in NIT,Nagpur. He was doing well and working in Bangalore until he was recently diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. He is currently getting treatment from CMC Vellore for his illness which mandates him to undergo very painful process of chemotherapy every month. He has now been referred for Bone Marrow transplant as the only option for life and as you all can understand is extremely rare and cost intensive. Unfortunately, the treatment is not possible in India [As he needs donor from all over the world with perfect clinical match and then transplant] and he needs to fly to Australia for the treatment. It is expected to cost 75-80 lacs and Ashutosh is currently running short by 40 lacs for the treatment. Hence, I request all to donate generously for his treatment to the best of amounts. Request you all further to pass on the message amongst your friend network for the donation. Please do remember, every contribution of ours can save some body's life. Following is the bank details of the person concerned.
Mr. Ashutosh Mishra
A/c No--625401505630
Chamrajpet Branch,
I will post regularly the amount of donations collected so far and how much more is needed. Please leave a comment on this blog so we can keep track of the number of donations received and donation amount (if you do not mind disclosing)
Please see the scan of the doctor's certificate explaining the condition in more detail and also the expenses involved
Looking for support
Vivek Krishna

Ashutosh has a problem uttering 'sh'. He utters my name as 'Rupes'. Well, he utters his own name as 'Asutos Misra'.
He is a very good natured person. Please donate for him. Even if it is a small amount, please do not hesitate.
I am already in Touch with Mishra, A fortnight Ago I had a talk with Mrs. Mishra and it seems not all hope is lost. I think the timely match of Donor's Bone marrow group is the only way to survival for him. I am contributing to my best and hope everyone else around him does so.
Anurag Verma
VRCEans can reach me at, +91 98181 44002
am happy blogs are being used for such a humble purpose.. pl contribute whatever its possible for you, even little amounts may sum up for what mr. mishra needs..
wish u to get well soon
Can you please remove that bit about getting the money back?it is out of context.
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Done my wee bit. Get well soon Ashutosh!
Nikhils - VRCE 1999 batch..
done mine bit..
get well soon
Made an online transfer.
Get Well Soon!!!
Did online transfer. Hope to hear the Good News. All the best Ashutosh..
I and Ashutosh were in the same batch in first year (batch F) and also had good touch with him in the remaining three years. He is cool, thoughtful and very disciplined individual.
I have made the contribution. I wish him the very best and urge people to donate for the good cause. Thanks to Vivek Krishna (and many others) for coming forward and taking initiatives for this.
did online transfer..wish u a speedy recovery..
I am Milind's friend and he told me about Ashutosh. I just transferred some money and wish every little bit here can help him. Stay +ve and things will turn out well.
All the Best.
can any body tell the operation date of aushutosh?so that i can try push few friends to donate before deadline
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